What Have The Raisins Been Up To?

Over the Years The Raisins Have Co-Starred On Various Shows:

In The Simpsons episode "'Tis The Fifteenth Season", the California Raisins were spoofed as "The California Prunes" in a Christmas special depicting the Nativity. Lisa dismisses it as "offensive to both Christians and prunes."

On a segment of MADtv the Raisins were depicted as mass-murderers by promoting humans to eat their fans. After an 'incident' in Seattle, the band was sentenced to 'death by toaster'.

So though The California Raisins havent been around much, they still have not died in the eyes of their fans.

The California Raisins may have started as a marketing concept for the California Raisin Advisory Board, but they became their own marketing success. Today there is even California Raisins merchandise in the Smithsonian. There is a good chance that many homes have California Raisins merchandise still stored in their closets or custom garage cabinets.

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